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As a Certified Security Specialist and former Federal Police Officer, I have compiled the following tips to avoid a robbery or home break-in. 


These tips are by no means, all-encompassing. 


Further, you may decide that owning a firearm is the best protection...but what if you are not there? 


Worse yet, promoting the fact that you have a firearm may make your home more of a target while the home is unoccupied. 


This list is a method by which you can start to implement strong security protections NOW!


1. Leave lights on strategically

     - Even better, install motion sensor flood lights




Light's bring attention.  If one is attempting to gain unauthorized access they are not wishing to be caught. 


Anything that brings attention will decrease the chances that the burglar will continue in their actions. 


Especially, a new home invader that lacks experience. 


2. Make arrangements to have someone get your mail or place a temporary hold through the US Postal Service if you are on an extended vacation




Quite simply a stack of mail piling up is an indicator for a thief.  This signals that the property is unoccupied and has been for a good amount of time. 


The simple act of placing a hold on your mail can remove this indicator and deny such intelligence gathering methods by would-be home robbers.


3. Avoid the temptation to post any travel plans to your social media account…especially when you are away;

    - Post your trip photos when you return!






Well..., the why is because you can trust your friends and family (sometimes).  But answer the following questions:


  • Are you aware of whom all your friends and family are connected to via social media? 


  • Do you have security controls on your accounts limiting who can gain public access to your postings? 


If you are truthful, than you answered no to at least one of these.


Be safe and keep your travel plans off social media.


The pictures can wait until you are back home!


4. Ensure all windows, doors and entry points are secured

   - Surprisingly, 30% of perpetrators didn’t even need to force their way in, the home owner or renter left the door open/unsecured!





I can make this one real simple.  You should always secure your home windows and doors because some people reside within a different scope of ethical conduct.


To further this fact, a 2010 report shows the following:


"In 40% of unlawful entries to unoccupied residences, offenders gained access through an unlocked door or window. A smaller percentage (5%) of unlawful entries while no one was home was through a locked door or window by unknown means; 8% of offenders used a key to the residence to gain access." source:


So, depending on the source, 30-40% of home robberies can be stopped by locking your doors and windows!


5. For those that leave that little ‘oops I locked myself out key’ in a hidden rock or planter…just stop it!  That is so well known that I’m astonished it’s still a fad!




Leaving any key or opening device such as a garage door opener near a locking mechanism is simply complacent and a huge home security deviation. 


Burglars tend to know and study their surroundings. 


Anything out of place or that appears to be a concealable device is likely to be the first stop they will make.


6. If you are renting or just purchased a home, please…please change your locks!  Nothing says rob me like this kind of complacency




Past residents have had that key for enough time to make duplicates. 


Further, duplicate keys could have been lost, stolen or given to:


  • partners that experienced messy break-ups


  • roommates or friends that harbor ill-intent


  • past tenants that operated on the wrong side of the law


With that said, you may become an unintended home intrusion victim. So change the locks!


7. Close all curtains




Honestly this is debatable as some say open and some say close. 


My methodology leads me to believe that closed blinds equate to a lack of window shopping for thieves. 


Others argue that one should not deviate from their normal status as this could draw attention. 


I still lean towards closing your curtains.  Out of sight, out of mind.


8. Inform someone YOU TRUST to make random visits to your home

   - Slip them some cash or a case of cold ones left in the fridge




Home burglars do not like random events.


They are timing and calculating.  They wish to strike when they know their chance of success is optimal.  Anything that creates a new factor or decreases their success rate is key to gaining true home security. 


Random security measures are the best DIY home security strategy!


9. This one may be my own paranoia but…ensure you cover your computer camera lens with a post-it note or duct-tape. 

   - When the Director of the CIA does it…so should I!!!




Some in the computer world can hack into your laptop camera.  Even more scary some have hacked unsecured baby monitors. 


While this takes talent, I do not wish to be the one to see if that talent is operating in my local area. 


It's amazing the things younger generations can accomplish with technology. 


So for now, deny the opportunity for a free home tour in you absence. 


…And finally…


10. Get a home monitoring system with recording and real-time notification!!!




While 9 of these 10 tips are DIY and free, none of them arm you with evidence to put a burglar away for the crime committed.  


Sure cameras can act as a deterrent but their main purpose is to record video evidence. 


Remember, without evidence your unlikely to receive justice. 


You don't have to get roped into extensive and pricey contracts. 


Keep reading to see just how to acquire easy DIY home security cameras for your home security system.  


Condensed DIY Home Security Checklist- The copy and paste version:

  1. Strategically leave lights on

  2. Place a hold on your mail or have a trusted source collect it for you

  3. Keep your vacation plans off of social media

  4. Lock all windows, doors and entryways

  5. Collect all 'hidden' keys from your property and secure them while away

  6. Change your locks when you move to a new home or rental space

  7. Close your curtains or blinds

  8. Entrust a close friend or family member to make random, periodic stops to your home

  9. Cover your computer camera with a post-it note or tape

  10. Install a wireless home security camera


Looking to augment this list with more security tips?


Go To: Risk Analysis Of Your Home for more tips, tricks and home security recommendations.

These following Home Security Tips for 2017 are covered in this edition of Blogz3:







Home Intrusion Facts


The worst has happened, while you were away, your home was broken into and your sense of safety has been compromised.  The perpetrator has vanished leaving your home in disarray.  You have notified the authorities, but lacking any surveillance system the case goes unsolved.


In 2014, an astonishing 86.4% of home robberies went unsolved! 


The below tips can help you from becoming this victim and provide you with steps you can take NOW!


Think you don’t need it…Think again.  The below statistics showcase just why these do-it-yourself tips are necessary!


According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) the definition of burglary is:


“[…An] unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence. This crime usually, but not always, involves theft. The illegal entry may be by force, such as breaking a window or slashing a screen, or may be without force by entering through an unlocked door or an open window. As long as the person entering has no legal right to be present in the structure a burglary has occurred.”



The insane statistics retrieved by a BJS report show:


  • An average of 3.7 million burglaries happened each year during the 2003 to 2007 period.


  • A home occupant was present in roughly 1 million burglaries and they became victims of violent crimes in 266,560 of burglaries.


  • Simple assault (15%) was the most common violence when a resident was home. Robbery (7%) and rape (3%) were less likely but still were factors.


  • Offenders were known to their victims in 65% of violent burglaries; offenders were strangers in 28%.


  • Overall, 61% of burglars were unarmed when violence occurred. About 12% of offenders were armed with a firearm.


  • Households residing in single family units and higher density structures of 10 or more units were least likely to be burglarized (8 per 1,000 households) while a household member was present.


  • Serious injury accounted for 9% and minor injury accounted for 36% of injuries sustained by household members who were home and experienced violence during a completed burglary.



So, let’s break this down... 


If the lottery of life blesses you to become a contestant in the ‘Break-In’ game, the odds of a family member being home is 27%.  Of that 27%:

  • 15% would be assaulted,

  • 7% will still be robbed and

  • 3% would become victims of rape!


What if I told you I could help to decrease your odds of a home robbery? 


After reading to this point I hope your curiosity is peaked and you are now beginning to understand the necessity of a home security system. 


WAIT! I didn’t mean to scare you. 


I’m not talking about a home security system from expensive companies that install your equipment and run wires and mounts throughout your home. 


When I say 'home security system', I mean:


-A simple system you can incorporate into your daily routine free of charge in a do-it-yourself (DIY) fashion.


To clarify...a group of processes you can do now and augment with equipment later, if you so choose.


Don’t get me wrong, I do think the services of home monitoring companies are a great investment, but like any investment you can only participate if you have the capital. 


This blog is for those on a tight budget.


Now while the list does include items such as wireless camera’s, wireless glass-break detectors and various other Recommended Products; the truth is the majority of tips are free. 


You can implement these tips now and augment your home security system as your budget scales.  The best part…if your budget scales down…so can the items you acquire which offers you complete flexibility.


If you are a new home-buyer or renting for the first time I recommend going to Amazon and starting a registry.  Pick out some items that you feel are necessary and promote it to your friends and family. 


***You’re welcome for that free advice.*** 


DIY Action Steps to take now for your Home Security:

  1. Read Top 10 DIY Home Security Tips 2017

  2. Review Recommended Products

  3. Create a Registry on Amazon or anywhere you are comfortable shopping

  4. Promote Registry

  5. Install your FREE wireless home security system.

Below you will be given specific actionable security tips to decrease your risk of a home robbery and steps you can take now. 


You can implement these tips now to effectively create a home that is safe and less likely to become a target from pesky theives!


You will also be provided with easy-to-install DIY home security systems, that don’t break the bank. 


This review can place you in 13.6% of victims that receive justice, should your home be broken into!!!


Further, it can reduce your likelihood of being a victim by more than 30-40%!!!


To Reinforce The Point of Why You Need Home Security:


The effects of a home robbery are long lasting especially if your loved ones lose that sense of safety. 


Home robberies and home break-ins are often planned attacks that the perpetrator has seized on a vulnerability.


 Did You Know...?!


Burglars were known to their victims in 65% of violent



Continue reading to find out how to protect your home now on a tight budget!

Top 10 DIY Home Security Tips 2017

DIY Home Security role in Safety and Security

My personal goal in providing these tips is help to prevent home robberies. 


My secondary goal, it is to provide you with affordable video evidence to assist police in capturing the suspect and delivering justice for you!  


All of the key elements listed above, play a vital role in your sense of safety and security. The Top 10 DIY Home Security Tips 2017 list serves to arm you with the vital security knowledge you need right now.



For some, a home monitoring system may seem too pricey. 


For those of you that have the desire but lack the funds, a continue reading the great list of five (5) wireless home surveillance systems that can arm you with something to defend your property. 


These wireless home security cameras don't require annual subscriptions or installation fees. 


Many of these systems come complete with controls that alert you via your smartphone to potential dangers within your home. 


I will review each wireless home security system, in the hope that one of them can assist your needs and wallet. 


All of these wireless home security cameras serve to give you a fighting chance and provide you with evidence to assist the responding police force should an event arise. 


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